
sumone said...mizah! rmpas blik pkwe ko..pkwe ko tu..ko syg die kan...n then me said...ko lar kwn baik aku...BANGANG PYE IDEA! what can i said anymore for dat stupid idea..beb! me cant do dat lar...xsmpai ati...mcm bruk siku pn ade..dh bg, nk ambik balik plak..ape kes??! kalu aku wat cm tu kt ko, ko mrh x?? bkn stkt mrh je, siap smpan dendam lagi nk bnuh aku..hahaha..me knew u better ar babe! i cant really said bout dat person..but sumtime me miss him..even rite now i have my papa pingu, puteh, mama n fmly but still i need him..sumtime me rase nk je call die cm dlu2..but mcm xptut plak wat cmtu...bkn mcm, MEMANG TAK PATUT! dh lame me xjmpe die..mls lar weyh..xd mood...hahahha..really breaking heart..hahaha...jangan pandang belakang..huhuh...

weyh! how's bout our plan?? holi2day d penang n kedah..hahha..me cant wait for it... to my dearest...., sory babe. cant join ur family day...me got a giler idea to do wif my kmpp's fren..huhuhuhu.. send my lot of kiss n hugs to our baby k..n ur mum too...really2 cant join all of u..n really2 sory for dat...iloveuguystothelimit...my kmpp's fren...kte nk p mane nnti??? da most important place yg we must go.. of crse lar KMPP..meet our mummy there n my papa pingu also..too much miss them...then aku nk ajk pkcik tu p main boling skali bleh???huhuh..saje nk spent time ngn die..ni plan aku je lar..da next day, kte p island..hahah..wajib pergi ke penang hill...nak naik cable car!! da other days..korang pkir lar plak...byk bende lg aku nk kne pkir ni..huhuhu..meet2 there ok?


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