Mizz Nina feat.Colby O'Donis - What you waiting for [ Official Music Vid...


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last saturday..reunion kecil-kecilan if ma fren, meza d kuantan..agk lme xjmpe..maintain cm dlu...huhu..sesmpai je d kuantan trus resrve rasamas...quite hungry..get 1 set for 4 person..1ekor aym bbq..huhuh..best2...then p tgok wyg..cter lagenda budak setan..actlly, me really wnna watch karate kid..tp da rest nk tgok cter LBS, so follow je lar..xbest ar tgok karate kid sorg2..
oveall cter ni ok lar..out of 10, i chose 7..quite touching..but at da starting of dis film, klkar jgak lar..huhuh...ble me hayati btul2 dis film, me teringatkan sumone..jln ceritanya sme dgn sumone's life journey...plus wit da song...BILA CINTA.. actlly dis song have two version.. male and female..but im interested to male version..by GIO...very touching..

"bila cinta kini
tak lagi bermakna
yang ku rasa kini
hanyalah nestapa
ditingalkan cinta masa lalu.."

now..im addicted to diz song..quite sdeyh..mmg layan ar..da prgprph above, have its own meaning... looks like for him, no more love after his past love..what he feel right now, is only a lie...he can lie many people out there but he cannot lie himself.. i dun wanna mke dis song's review..jz a lil bit review of certain paragraph.. two thumbs up!

my life??ok lar..i hve my family who love me without any conditions..having my puteh which i need to take a really good care for him..having my syazwan to miss him always..having my mama utk bermanja2...but i still need sumone who have all of dis pckge...i mean 4 in 1 lol... i thought of him, but i knw, i could not have a false hope...im still wondering ..who will be da person...

not my story...

again me highlight it..its not my story..based on sumone's story..n me wanted to have its review..so me make diz post.. let me ask u, kejamkah sumone itu IF..she still love her ex even she have new prtner rght now??? i mean, die still teringat kan her ex lar.. i dunno y..mybe sbb die expectkan her new prtner tu be as perfect as her ex...she's happy with her ex than her new partner..n when i asked her y it's happen..she said that..NTAH LAR...perlu ke ade jwpn itu???n me rse ar kan..mybe ade kaitan ngn her new prtner tu..argghh!! ssh lar..asyik sbut her new prtner je...ok..let her new prtner tu is A..me rse ar kan, mybe si A ni wt hal..xcaring kt die..cz as i knw her ex mmg caring gler..hurmm..ntah lar..kdg2 ssh jgak nk fkir mslh org..huhuh..my life pun terkontang kanting...nk fkirkan hal org plak...my masalah???? huh! terlalu byk!!!!!! kdg2 me rse asl lar masalah ni pilih aku untuk bermaharajalela..ko cri lar org lain... ntah2 sbb me terlalu femes kot...hahahha..waaaaa!! i like it! hehehhe.. one of my bengong's probs is ku terlalu jelez...bkn jelez ape pn...jeles when my ex got his new prtner..kdg2 je lar..bkn sllu pn..ble dtg mood bgong tu je..huhuh..biasenye me buat budus je..mls nk amek tau..ade 1 ag..me myampah wif sumone..eeuuww!!! tau lar u ade bf, xperlu lar nk berkasih syg dn bermnja2 di tmpat awm..urgghh!!! quite menyampah dow!!! smua org tau kot..mamat tu bf lu..tp xyah ar smpaikan msg yg ur bf gve to u..by PHONE OR SMS..diSHAREkan to public...quite budus lar weyh..me xd ar skit ati sgt pn klu juz nk ble time tlking wif ur prtner n at da same time, ade org lain skli, u nk pgil him syg or whtever lar..even kt tmpt pblic..tu xksah ar cz for me its normal lar when having a relationship.. klu sllu sgt pn, xske gak ar..tp tu u pye psal lar..aslkn jgn tjuk kt aku..xpsal2 aku smbur krg..hahahha..bkn ku jeles..lgsung x...+ me rse kamoo sgt sporting n romantic..me ske itu..its ur style but not me...tp xperlu lar smpaikan msg personal pn nk dipublickan..menyampah gler kot! yerk!! dh die send kan msg tu by smm or by phone call, perlu ke ko p publickn bnde tu..dh cnfm2 mamat tu nk prvcy..dats y die bgtau ko sje..klu x msti die dh wt status fb nye bgtu..ape daa...ah..suketi kamoo lar..ku dh mls nk amek taw psl kamoo..xpnh2 me found sumone like u..urgh..hopefully xd la my frens yg cm gni..amin...
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