lacrimal gland to the lacrimal duct...

dont know what to say actlly...many stories which are lawak..hahahha...bengong..( dont know what expression,sumone plz help me to express dat feeling:)),,sedih..wuuuuu...3 in 1...
me juz had my first ospe..anatomy ospe..dat questions really killed me! i think can count lar how many i can answer it properly..i mean cnfm btul la..huhu..almost stations yg me xleh jwb were by .....me cant really said his name..takut kene saman..hhuhuhu...memang giler la...ape pye soalan daa..xd pun dlm lctre die..bleh gler kalu gni..next week, im goin' to have lab science's ospe plak..before da real final exam.hope i can handle my life..to my family..im sorry if i cant make it as what u'd expected.. but i promise dis is my first n last...i'll study more harder for the next sem..rite now,im studying lab science..huhuhu..(still hve time to make a post,,huhuhu)

after dat ospe..we went to the harmoni cafe..eatin'2..i'm lovin' it! hahaha..me n kak mkn nsik aym..yan chicken chop( my fvrte!)..huhuh..and today..me wear bju kurung...da maroon one..huhuh..again...huhuhu..then..on the way to kb mall..me trsrmpak ngn izat...hahah...xbleh blah lar! trus me glak when i saw him..hahahah..xleh nk thn..bcoz of him, me wearing dat bju kurung..n serte merta he said,"bru nmpak hari ni"...huhuhu..only me n him know what's da meaning of dat sentence..huhuhu..me juz nodded da head..n blah..huhuhu..malu lar..n dlm kete me gelak puas2...hahahahahahahhahahahh....yan n kak pun geleng kepala..i cant see u lar izat..nk gelak je..hahahaha
i dont know whether i should say diz or not...but my heart say i should...even i know dat..it cant make da problem settled..i juz want to confess sumthing yg maybe make sumone's heart is hurting...first of all..im sorry..i really dont know if what i'd done will make my life as well as his life going to be ruined..dat pic..was not da real pic..what u got, is not as what u think..me juz want to know whether what had u said is true or not,,so i juz gave any pic to u to make u believe it dat i can happy even not with u..but i really dont get it..y u just got not in mood??i think it will make u happy..please...understand me...dat pic was not da real pic..i cant continously lie to u..it will make me..xsng duduk..always thinking of u...if u happy,juz say it...if not, PLEASE MAKE IT CLEAR...I REALLY NEED IT!!!


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