cintailah bahasa ibunda~~

post ini dilakukan pada tahap separuh sedar....dats mean im juz woke up n then trus mgadap laptop n open da blogger site..(xpyh bsuh muke..sng nk mgntuk lagik..hahah)..got inspiration through da dream..hahha..nor lar..juz woke up, n open da fb site n saw Rafidah Bakri pye komen..huhuh.."cintailah bahasa ibunda"..gara-gara oral health paper last evening..urgh! how come its come in malay question but da notes they gve to us bulat2 in english..aiyo! we dont hve time ar to trnslate all da notes tuh..byk kje ag..aduh..1st question trus blur..ku terkebil2 mcm cicak berak kapur..ape daaa...skali dental anatomy kuar in malay..i dun undrstnd at all..im a malay women..pure malay..but sumtimes i cant trnslate scientific terms in malay.. it doesnt mean dat me merendah2kan bhsa melayu..langsung tidak..tp...scientific terms xsama dgn terms2 dat we used in our daily conversation..stkt nk trnslate certain2 terms like digestion, absorption, ok lar...ini???
most of da stdnt who taking oral health mmg agk bengang ngn soklan2 nye..dh lar ssh..sumtimes me rse cm..me ambik oral health crse or dental crse??? it sounds same but actlly its dffrnt..very dffrnt...dh eja nye pn lain..hahahh...ok get serious bck....huhhu...agk byk lar soklan td yg xd dlm note oral health..seolah2 kami sdg mngambil ujian dental...pelik..hurmm..ntah lar..speechless..let bygone be bygone..now need 2 focus da other 2 papers..biokem n biodiv..again me got stuck witg da notes..urgh!! bile nk hbs nieh???!

cintailah bahasa ibunda...(sory pyda..need to culik ur statement..hahah)..urmm..yeah..mmg btul kte kena cintai bahasa ibunda..i mean malay language..but sumtimes, there is need for us to learn n speak in english..better to prctice it now..okey me agree dat...but....still have to make it looks like real..dun hypocrite..so,me still agree ngn pyda..tp perlu dcmpur2 dgn english..i mean bhs rojak lar..its not like me mengalu2kan penggunaan bhs rojak cz everyone knew bhs rojak ni xelok utk stdnt..but..if u ckp strght in malay, ble u nk apply kn english word yg u bljr?? xkn dlm esei bi during exm je kot?? n u think u hve a very good memory to remember every bombastic words without applying?? i cant..we can use it in our daily life even some of us will think dat like a joke..looks like a joke but when we use it, it help us to remember it when we need to use it for our essay..hurmm..back to da 1st statement in this paragraph..hurmm..but no need lar speak fully in english..i mean can ar but juz use da simple bsic conversation..dun make it look like u're doin ur essay..really obvious! bkn bermksd nk memperlekehkan niat anda to speak in english, no..langsung xterlintas niat tu..but y dont u juz rojak je to make it better...really look sempoi weyh..coz we're not using fully english in our daily conversation..so its better for us to rojak it as long as org fhm pe yg nk kte smpaikan..for da person yg using fully english in their daily conversation its okey lar...cz they used it..nmpk very sempoi lar to the..but not for us..so, juz take it ezy..jgn aggp ini satu penghinaan kpda anda..demi ALLAH, me langsung x berniat utk menghina sesiapa sdgkan me lbih hina dr anda di sisiNya..anggap lar ini sbg guideline for US to make it better in our future..jgn smpai org merendah2kan kita, dsbbkan bhsa kita...jadilah seperti org jepun yang terlalu mengagungi bhasa ibunda mereka sendiri sehinggakan sebarang deal bersama mereka memerlukan penggunaan bahasa mereka...cintailah bahasa ibunda~~(again me culik statement pyda..credit to pyda!)


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