just married..hehehhe

dh lme me xupdate this blog..very bz..n not feeling well..rite now also me got a fever..but a simple fever..juz take the pcm n then it'll be fine..for da whole day..next day, take another pcm..hohoho..my life goin' so light now..n im happy wif dat...my pingu (abg agkt i lar!) juz married..congratz papa..u done it well..yeay! hahaha...n his knduri will be held on diz 14th march..i wish to be there but i got some commitment here..have a class to attend..need to settle da quranic generation's program..(QG)..a mountain of asgmnt..sbr je lar.. rite now pun, me do some antmy asgmnt..need to pass up diz comin' sunday..dush! his wife got similar name wif me..juz a coincident..her name is Nur Salmiza aka Miza..nyum2! hehehe...okeyh lar tu..drp xkhwin lgsung..hahah...now, i need to think bout da present..aiyo! pening lar nk plih hdiah kawen nieyh..xd pglmn lgsung..electrical appliances?? old style.. bosan ar...set glass?? cm mkcik2 je..agk2 ar ngn my age.. mum suggestkan me to get sampin n songket..hurmmm....brg tu bleh je nk cri di klntan..but im prefer trgnu pye handmade..lg elok..klntan pye xlwa... tp xkn me nk kne balik trgnu??? asgmnt byk kot..xlrt..huhu..so cncel sampin n songket..another friend suggestkan suh beli photo album..hurmmm..ok gak..on list... check! n suddenly me got some idea..heheheh..rse nk beli tutt..heheheh..what is tuutt actlly?? hehehhe..okeyh..case is closed!

another case...
papa invite me to his kndri..n he ask me to ajk another frens..i mean kmpp's fren ngn fren skrg..xksh ar..aslkn my fren..yuhooo!! so me mtk lar pelan..jnjinye mau diemelkan, tp xemel..die kate gmbr xjlas...biase ar..hp cap aym..hahaha.. n last nite me got some of da pics from papa..gmbr mse nkahnye 2 n gmbr kd khwin 3..then i ask him, bleh x klu nk post kan gmbr2 tu kt fb?? sng nk tagged geng2 kmpp.. he said, xksh..upload je lar.. then tgh syok2 meng'tagged' kan org tu, gyi siren kcmsan..then me kuar bilik..tgk my rumet..die rilex je..cm xd pe...xd ape ar kot cz sllu je byi siren tu..then msuk bilik balik..then gelap!...........rpenye depa buat fire drill..budus lar! mmg klm kbut giler ar smlm..rmai yg trun ngn towel je..su plak bru je sdh mndi..hahah..ksian giler kt die..bju pun pkai trbalik..hahah..hbs je fire drill tu, me continue tagging..bile dh siap tu, rmai lar duk komen gmbr2 tuh..mule2 ok ag cz kwn2 me je pun..then after dat, ade lar bdk lain add..yg psti bdk kmpp..mybe lpas die tgk gmbr2 papa kot..approve je lar kan..then die tye lar bile kwen..n suh tolong smpaikan cgrtz kt papa..me said, okey n insyallah...the she tagged another fren..ok lar cz die mentee papa mse batch aku...then bdk tu pun add me jgk..ok lar..penat tp bleh cntrol..huhuh..hambek ko! skli die tagged rmai giler kwn2 die aka mentee papa batch ku (maybe)..waa!! penat nk melyn...asl lar rmai sgt yg mnt kt papa..xhnsem pun! huh! huhuhu..
to my papa pingu,
congratulation on ur wedding day
may Allah bless both of u..
try to get baby A.S.A.P


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