first of all...kenapa kami dianaktirikan?? is it becoz of da title?? kami xlayakkah menerimanya?? jika kami xlyk, kenapa anda menawarkannya?? or do u think with dat title, u should give da priority to them and ignored us??? da question is, if we are not here,are they can work it properly and give da best service to the others?? at least u still need us right?? too much benefits dat all of u give to them and sometimes it looks like they are really spoiled with dat..perlu ke begitu??? me dont think dat they work harder for dat..+, me think dat we're work harder than them... to maintain and get what u'd gve to us, we not just pass but we should get more than 2.10..but for them, they just need to pass only...really unfair! masih xcukup bukti lagi ke untuk mengatakan masih ade sifat diskriminasi dlm klgn msyrkt kita??? masih mengharapkan bukti lagi utk mengesahkannye?? follow ur rhythm..wanna other proof?? we learnt many subjek in a sem..but them?? only a subject n it might be very detailed compared to us..but da point is, too many subject need to struggle all of them n only a sbject dat same with us but differ in contain as they should learn it quite detail..which one do you think will have a complicated life?? me really wish dat da board of director give them a chance to be us n give us a chnce to be like them at least for a month..just change it for a while..and let them feel how stress we are..with the mountain of assignment but not to them..they only need to study.. but y they still feel that they are more busy until cant give any commitment??? if u think dat u cant give da commitment, y u intend to join dat?? we're more busy than u! please understand us! owh... do u think with ur title, it will make us feel sorry for u?? n do u wanna be a big headed with ur title??? please! kami dh bosan dengan sume ini! n to the other side, knapa masih nk menganaktirikan kami??? masih tak cukupkah dengan ketidakadilan anda dlm pemberian tersebut??? even we're still in the same place n da thing that they need is still in da same value as us...adakah anda merasakan they need it first coz they have to use it immediately?? kami pula cmne??? didnt need it immediately?? as i mention before.. we're still in da same place...wktunye juge masih same!! tp knpa anda sperti menidakkan kehadiran kami dlm organisasi anda??? please be honest..we need it immediately too as well as them...
the other thing..y me feel dat i need to give up everything??? aku dh bosan ngn sume nieyh!!!!! tp aku still kuatkan iman aku..n go through still kalah..knapa perlu begitu?? masih wujud kah sifat tidak adil dlm kalangan mereka??mybe ade kslapan aku..aku tak mengatakan aku betul 100%! tp knpa smpai sekarang perlu melalui bende yg same?? perlukah aku teruskan hidup dlm alam yg penuh tipu muslihat ni?? aku teringin menjadi seperti organisma lain yg sntiasa hidup tenang..aku impikan alam itu..atau mungkinkah aku perlu mengharapkan alam yg seterusnye dan berjumpa si DIA di sane?? utk selama-lamanya.....aku mendambakannya...
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