my cmplicated life....

argh!!! kepala dh berat berpusing..need an aspirin..not da panadol..but something dat will kill myslf too..i think...huhu..i cant live like dis...me should think it first before doin' anything..so dat i'll never make da same mistake as i make it juz now..yesterday...a bad day...y must us??? to cover urself from being exposed n to show dat u're work hard for dat but we juz like main2...hello???!!! its useless ar beb! what had happen..we're redha..but y u should blame us??? weyh, no point lar beb! ur point very rdiculous! xmsuk akal! we should blame u...but its otherwise..pening sgt!! dunia berputar ke tidak nieyh??? mybe terlalu kuat smpai bleh pening kot..mybe..huhuhu...frust pun ade..but me dont wnna concern it sgt...pnat dh..now??? me xtau bout myself..me xsure for myself or otherwise?? yeah..me admit it..me strted diz problem..but when i wnna stel it,, u ikut kpla u je...ape???! u igt me should ikt kpala otk u je ke??? me xd kpala otk??? ok fine! rght now me ikt kpla otk u..next, if i did sumthing stupidest to u, or me juz ikt my kpala otak for whtever..dont blame me..u decide it! me xnk gdo2..so me ikut je..do whtevr u wnna do.. damn it! oh god! y my life should goin' cmplcted like diz??? argh!!! me hate it! as what papa said...u must change it by ur own..juz take it ezy..n alwys remebr dat, me bhind on u...thanz for da nice advce pa...luvutothelimit!


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