menyanyi-nyanyi sudah...

Wuhoo!! Tamat sudah dat hectic life!! Then, jom kite berronggeng!!! Yeah!!!


Nk meronggeng ape kejadahnya..all nuranian, ppsk student, kne kemas their room...i mean, clean up everything..shit!! cam hape je..planningnya mau sewa je bilik..too malas kot to clean up everythin’..*yg pasti, my notes sume dh masuk kotak..immediately after da exam..* tp the officer ckap xleh sewa. By hook or by crook..mmg kne kmas bilik! Again, shit!! + damn! Memang vengong kan..pdhl cuti sbulan je pn..n da next sem pn still duk da same room.. murnian xkne plak..ni wat me rase nk duk murni je..or duk rumah sewa plak..hahahh

seriously! dis is not mine!

One month break! Nk buat ape ek?? Ok, betul..terlalu byk sudah me copy movies..so of course la kje me tgok movie je..hahahh..then..buat lar ape2 pn..yg pasti, juz mke sure each of my fulfills dipenuhi..hahah..da best thing is makan-makan thing..hahah..jln2?? itu pun kemestian! Need to wait my giler one balik dulu..20 dcmber mybe..woit2!! balik lar cpat!!! J

Mood balik kampung : okeh! Ini sangat serious! mood ini tersangat la perlu at this critical moment..critical moment??? What i need to think of juz my family, dat kucing yang gatal2 ituh, n of course dat giler person..giler2 pn me syg taw..opps!! my bff okeh..kn ngok ngek kan??? Hahahah..my gewe?? Of crse lar me igt..n me balik ni pun sbb die..sbb me nk setel up everything..btween me n him..honestly, me redha..for what he did, biarkanla..tiada dendam btween me n u..xd juduh lar tuh..simple! hahah.. cheer up girl!! Me said..smile everyone!!! J

P/s..me suke colorful damnly! klu kamu2 xsuke...UTHINKICAREWHATUSAID???


Syila Rosli said...

gewe kamu hariz kan? hehe..

dont lie to me.. i know lah :)

myzah said...


mne ade.. xde2..:P

Syila Rosli said...

ceh.. yeye je..haha..biasa la tu kan

myzah said...

lorh..psai pa ckp gtu??
ape yg biasanye...

Syila Rosli said...

takde ape..

btw, study medic kan?

myzah said...


psai pa ckp sy gewe ngn hariz??

Syila Rosli said...

emm saje..salah ke?

myzah said...

hahha..xd salah..:)

honestly mmg sy ngn die, n sy mmg xtaw die dh ade kamu..seriously! xtipu!

n im voluteering myself utk tarik diri..
me n him pn bru knal.. so insyallah xdak pa2

Syila Rosli said...
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