im a youngster!

today..suppose to be a great day for me...my cousin, jaja juz engaged... dats gud! but what i wanna highlight now is im still a youngster..n maybe my taste is quite high.. honestly, i can't work with the elders who love to use their old thinking..lots of sorry if my statement is quite rude for u..but dis statement is only referred to sumone. dis is da 1st one dat i found, da elder dat have old style thinking..actually it is not related to old style thinking cz as long as i know, if i told da others bout dis story, even the elders, they will agree with me..then, y u still wanna argue it?? or is it bcoz u think u are more elder than me, dh banyak mkn asam garam kehidupan ( maybe..), n i should complying it without any objection EVEN sudah terang lagi bersuluh benda itu SALAH..is it like dat??? urgh! im juz thinking about da perfectionist..every job that i did, i need a perfectionality to be done..it is true dat we are only planned, but God decide it.. so mybe it cannot work perfectly..but then, the plan should be perfect! i am lucky having a mum dat was great n very sporting..sumtime have a teen-like thinking.,..ALHAMDULILLAH..

still about today...im juz thinking about something..perlukah terlalu mengikut adat?? sampai bergolok gadai??hurm..dis statement might be a lil bit harsh..but it is just only my thought..if u are not satisfied with dis, please leave out from dis page.. what is adat actlly?? is it sumthing dat we NEED or MUST follow it?? sumtime me rase all of dis are quite ridiculous! for exmple in wedding cases..for me its ok lar for having engaged ceremony.. but no need lar sampai... u know what i mean..no need to mention it..cukup lar ia betul2 sebagai menghantar tanda..cz from da other side, there is no a big ceremony for engagement..cz it's juz a sign dat dis girl is having a relationship with sumone.as i mention before, only a sign..she's not yours yet! bile2 mase boleh putus.. me xmendoakan, tp hanya Allah yang menentukan segala-galanya..for me, its better to have a simple event...like my mum said, stkat nk knal muke je pn...hahahahah..n im thinking dat way too..xperlu membazir..even my nikah pn, nk smple2 je..no need da pelamin! sape nk kwin aku, jgn berangan nk naik ats pelamin..my parents tak suke!
( cesh..berangan sampai nak nikah..pdhl calonnya pn belum ada lagi..hahahah)

today is today..quite happy kot..buleh balik jpe my parents...tp actlly me teringin nk mkn nsik ayam ma..uuuuuuu...sdeyh..teringin sesangat kot..ish3..dh lar esk nk blik dah..overall...me happy it is today..buleh jmpe *******...huhuh..no need to mention it..huhu..quite happy cz blh mkn chcken chop..tp, kalu ade sesape yg terase ati ngn me ari nih, im sory...sory to cik jaja, cik amie, cik zati, cik hariz, cik firdaus n cik baju hijau ( seriously i dont know his name!), mase kamoo sume ajk makan, im still full..xd selera nk mkn ag..agpn me xske aym percik..n me xtau pun ade ikn tongkol..huhuh..xpe..lain kali kte mkn lagi..tgu cik amie pye event plak, kte mkn sesame..hohoho..n of crse sory to my lovely buddy, jee, im sory cz lupe nk bgtau u, yg i balik dis weekend..sory, cannot be with u for diz lunch...



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