paper today...

Juz now,me bace paper today..nothing intrsting but der is one thing dat i want to share wif da other..its bout da kartika's case..ala..yang model sambilan yg dihukum sebat tu...juz now,die cakap dat hukuman will be postponed after da ramadan..dats mean during syawal..n my pingu (still contact wif him...can't forget him..huhuhu..very miss him...) said dat,xd tkg sbat plakpoor to her..dh ready nk kne hkum..evrythng dh siap..mentality espclly..last2 dapat tau tunda balik..memang bengang! and her dad lodged report..padan muka! sape suh maen2kan kes ni..n memang patut ayh die wat cmtu..juz imagine,kite yang duk kt tmpat depa..mesti tension..n da majlis peguam plak sbuk nk hapuskan hukuman sebat..eeeehhh!!! ape kes ni???!!!!!!! gler ke ape??? kalu x laksanakan kt muka bumi ni..lagi teruk kene kat akhirat nnti..aper??!! die nk tgung ke hukuman akhirat tu nnti?? lagipun btul cakap ayah kartika,en. shukarno, moga2 dengan hukuman yang dikenakan ke atas anak die ni, dapat bg pengajaran kt da other..ni menunjukkan kite xboleh maen2kan undang2 agama.. but i salute her..willing to accept dat sebat even ramai yang mintak,pjuk die supaya batalkan die punye niat include our pm...owh...ari tu ckp, nk jdkn negara ni negara Islam..so laksanakn lar..."I won't file any appeal.Carry on and cane me, don't waste my time."-kartika...n me support for what da PAS Youth chief said dat religious authorities should not be deterred by pressure from civil society groups, and that the thrashing should go ahead immediately..."It would be good for Kartika if the sentence can be carried out now if she is ready to accept it, because this is the holy month of Ramadan and she will be more remorseful,"

p/s: me xmnat politik k..juz agree based on my opinion...


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